Unify is a framework designed to accelerate the build of data solutions delivered by Vizify Analytics
Crafted for intuitive data management, Unify offers users the ability to create tables, load files and validate their data.
Unify offers best in class data management practices to everyone by pairing a no code approach with industry standard techniques and patterns which deliver enterprise grade, automated processes.
With security, audit and data quality at the core of Unify, people can build their cloud based data warehouses that are tailored to their organisational needs.
Trusted data management patterns for everyone
Designed to level the playing field, we've standardised the method of creating cloud based data warehouse tables and populating them with your organisations data. Regardless of size and structure, our meta-data approach provides organisations with capabilities that would typically rely on specialised teams that cover a range of disciplines.
Unify offers a no-code solution to table creation, offering people the ability to define table names, naming conventions, load modes, duplicate handling, column names, data types, completeness rules, validation rules and actions based on severity ratings.
Within moments, robust, best in class data structures, quality rules and audit trails are crafted to the organisations needs.
Data processed through the Unify process are subjected to the rigorous checks at a cell level - designed to ensure you only process high quality, complete data. People are given rapid feedback on data that does not meet the rules, allowing them to correct their data and improve data quality across the organisation.
Unify follows a three stage security process which ensures users can only submit data into tables that they are given access to. Role based security further defines the actions that specific users are able to take, allowing complete control over the actions of the workforce.
Collecting and submitting data into Unify is simple. So is removing data. Our intuitive rollback function provides the ability to quickly remove data from tables that may have been inserted in error or by mistake.
Invite users to submit their data files into your cloud data warehouse tables via the Unify portal. Accepting Excel or CSV files, the intuitive front end of Unify makes it easier than ever to populate cloud data tables.
Connect your operational systems to Unify ingest critical, system generated data into your data warehouse in an auotmated, regular fashion. Finance, HR, Marketing, Sales or Operations - get all your data in a single place ready for analytics.
All actions are recorded within Unify, allowing orgniasations to gain clarity on who has loaded which data sets, and when.
Each cell level check is also audited, providing complete visibility on where data quality issues are arising. Audits are bought to life through intuitive, interactive, native reporting suite for organisations to monitor and continually strive to improve data quality.
All raw data is stored on Azure Blob Storage in an organised structure - allowing access at any point in time. Your data warehouse sits in your cloud environment with a choice of technology to fit your organisations preferences.
How are people using it...
The intuitive nature of Unify is serving high quality, robust data management techniques is replacing manual, time consuming legacy solutions
Crowd Source Data
Unify is helping organisations to collect, store and analyse data in a central source. No longer are organisations spending valuable time in manually collecting and consolidating files from a range of sources - they are leveraging the power of cloud automation to collect and validate their data.
Crowd sourcing data into centralised sources brings security, structure and confidence to otherwise manual tasks.
Cloud Migration
Cloud migrations are critical to supporting the growth of data volumes, performance and remote working that modern businesses demand. Unify enables resources to rapidly set up data processes using a tried and tested framework for table creation, meta-data definition and validation.
The structured approach ensures consistency of code regardless of the individual who creates the cloud data warehouse.
Process Automation
Management Information and Business Intelligence tool evolution have enabled many organisations to self serve analytics, however, data management processes have often lagged due to the technical nature of the tasks and security implications of working with sensitive organisational data
Unify provides a framework to automate complex data management processes to those that self serve analytics.
Request a Demo
To schedule a demo with one of our analytical solution design consultants, please fill in your contact details below and we'll be in touch shortly.
0208 050 3635
30 Great Guilford Street